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Do you ever get the feeling some companies just have too much money for their own good? And that maybe they could be using it to better purpose than lining lawyers' pockets?

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現在告訴你一個方法,就從我們已知的單字開始;以前背過的很多單字,久了不用,你就覺得自己不會,其實它們都還存在你的腦袋資料庫裡,來一次brain storm,重新給英文單字生命!


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Japan rebuild could take five years, World Bank says

Japan may need up to five years to rebuild from the disastrous earthquake and tsunami that has caused up to $235bn of damage, the World Bank said in a report.

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還沒試試看上週在世界公民網路上的Debug? 題目在這裡,每一句都有一個錯誤,看你能找出幾個!

1. Mandy will be in the hospital for two weeks. I will fill in for her while she's gone. (Mandy

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Mistakes that can kill your career:It takes anywhere from three to 15 months to find the right job -- yet just days or weeks to lose it. Here are 10 traits that are career poison:


1. Possessing Poor People Skills
A little likeability can go a long way. Studies by both the Harvard Business Review and Fast Company magazine show that people consistently and overwhelmingly prefer to work with likeable, less-skilled co-workers than with highly competent jerks.

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