- Jun 03 Fri 2011 11:55
- Jun 01 Wed 2011 11:50
美國人喜歡在句尾用這個片語。Are we good friends or what 我們可不是好朋友?Are you going or what? 你到底去不去?
2. Down the road
- May 30 Mon 2011 17:36
- May 27 Fri 2011 10:26
有一個英文名字,和中文的偷工減料完全符合,叫Jerry-built。簡陋的矮小的偷工減料的房子,英文用:A mean little jerry-built house。
- 例句:That jerry-built cabin will blow apart in a strong wind. (那間草草建起的小屋一陣強風就會被吹走的。)
Jerry這個本來就有草率的意思,如果和Tom在一起,叫Tom and Jerry意思就是整天吃喝玩樂的浪蕩子。Jerry-built不只是講建築物,電視節目拼拼湊湊,草率得不得了,也用得上。
- 例句:When the regular television program didn't come on, a jerry-built program was substituted at the last minute. (原來節目被取消之後,最後一刻臨時拼湊了一個節目作為替代。)
偷工減料,除了jerry built之外,也還有一個片語,是cut corners。Cut corners原意是抄近路,找更方便的辦法,或更便宜的辦法來做一件事,如:Cut corners to make a cheaper product.
- May 23 Mon 2011 11:52
Somehow & Though:講英文時候,你用什麼「口氣」?
It was a hard job, he took it though.(這工作很難,但他還是接受了)放在句尾,這個字的發音必須上揚。或是:Somehow I don't like him.(不知怎麼地我就是不喜歡他。)
Though、somehow、anyway、 nevertheless,這些字經常發生在口語上,看上去好像沒什麼意思,因為這關乎的比較是「口氣」的問題。
- May 23 Mon 2011 11:40
25歲開始青年危機 a quarter-life crisis
They may still be in the prime of their lives - but for many young adults, their 20s and 30s are now a time of panic and self-doubt as they suffer a "quarter-life crisis". Faced with too much choice, they are experiencing the traditional symptoms of a mid-life crisis earlier, research suggests.