文/胡隴凱(世界公民文化中心) 1.前後都用複數形 Good attendants should serve their customers carefully.(優秀的服務員應該仔細的服務他/她們的顧客)。 2.用he or she 或 she or he It is difficult to tell your boss that he or she is mistaken, isn’t?(很難告訴老闆,說他/她錯了,不是嗎?)例外的是,像下面這樣的句子聽起來像繞口令,還是避免:If an attendant serves his or her customers carefully, he or she will have the high appreciation from them.(假如服務員仔細服務他/她的顧客,他/她將得到他們的高度評價。) 3.前方有不定代名詞時anyone、anybody、someone,可用第三人稱複數代名詞they/them/their Anyone who wants to participate should sign their names on the registration table.(想參加者應該至報到處簽名。)不過要注意的是,這樣的用法雖然普遍,但是因為單數的anyone跟複數的their卻出現文法上不一致的情形,所以有人認為這並不是正式的用法。 4.若非必要,也可不使用代名詞 一方面可以避免上述的情形,另一方面也可使句子更為精煉。如:If anyone who wants to contribute to my project, he is lovely welcome. 就可以寫成:Anyone who wants to contribute to my project is lovely welcome.(任何想要贊助我計畫的人,都非常歡迎)。這樣是不是精簡多了?
和中文一樣,英文也分「他」(he/him/his)與「她」(she/her),然而在較早的年代,大家常用he/him/his來代表群體中的一員(不管是否有女性成員)。如:A good attendant should serve his customers carefully. 乍看之下好像沒錯,但在目前兩性平權的社會中,群體中有女性成員時,應避免這樣的用法。下面就來介紹幾個合宜的方式:
- Jun 13 Wed 2012 10:41