文/吳青樺(世界公民文化中心) 季節交替的時節裡,你換季過敏了嗎?還是日夜溫差讓你傷風感冒了?該怎麼用英文敘述這些或輕或重的症狀?本文帶你來看過敏症狀的英文詞彙和情境例句。 "seasonal allergies",換季過敏的意思。Is it a cold or seasonal allergies? 到底是感冒了還是換季過敏? Allergy (n.) ['ælɚdʒi] 過敏,英文裡常用複數,因為通常過敏會伴隨多種不同症狀(symptoms)。換季過敏有時會讓人誤以為是感冒了,來看看以下敘述和比較: It’s springtime, and as if on cue, your nose starts to run, your eyes are puffy and watery, and you suddenly sneeze several times a day. Is it a cold or do you have a seasonal allergy? 春天到了,一切好像說好的一樣,你的鼻子開始流鼻水、眼睛老是水汪汪的又腫又癢,然後突然間,一整天不斷打噴嚏!到底是感冒了還是換季過敏?Are You Getting a cold or Just Seasonal Allergies?
Colds 感冒 Allergies 過敏 Symptoms often appear one at a time: first sneezing, then a runny nose, then congestion. 通常症狀是一個接一個發生:先打噴嚏,接著流鼻水,然後鼻塞。 Symptoms occur all at once. 症狀一口氣全部來。 Generally last from seven to ten days. 普遍會持續七到十天。 Continue as long as a person is exposed to the allergy-causing agent (allergen). 只要置身於過敏原中,症狀就會持續發生。 May be accompanied by a fever. 可能伴隨發燒。 Not usually associated with a fever. 通常不會牽扯到發燒。
appear (v.) 顯露、出現、發生、似乎
造句:He appeared to be talking to himself. 他似乎在自言自語。
occur (v.) 引發、發生、浮現、存在
造句:Earthquakes occur frequently in this area. 這一地區經常發生地震。
allergen (n.) 過敏原
較口語的講法為allergy-causing agent