「大藝術家」於本屆奧斯卡大放異彩:男主角訪問實錄"The Artist" Shines in the 84th Oscar Academy: The Nominee Questionnaire "The Artist" 「大藝術家」一片甫於本屆奧斯卡影展大放異彩,一舉拿下包括最佳電影等最多獎項。趁著這股愛好電影的奧斯卡熱潮還未消退之際,本文帶讀者來看看以本片榮獲最佳男主角(actor in a leading role) Jean Dujardin被提名時的奧斯卡訪問實錄 (the nominee questionnaire)。從他的訪談和心路歷程中學英文。 1. What was your first movie-going experience, and how did it affect you? Seeing “Once Upon a Time in the West” is my first memory of a movie-going experience. I was both terrified and hypnotized. I still remember the scene where Henry Fonda puts the harmonica in the boy’s mouth during the hanging scene. movie-going experience是指真正進電影院看電影的經驗,所以英文片語中才會用go to the movie表示「看電影」。affect「感動、感染、影響」這一動詞的名詞為effect「效應、效果」。電影中往往最花預算的特效:special effect就是用此一名詞。或其他詞像音效:sound effect。 2. When did you decide that you wanted to make movies? What influenced you? Who or what inspired you along the way? I didn’t decide. After my one man show opened the doors to television, television opened the door to making movies. 此處用的influence「影響」這個動詞,有造成「影響力、作用」的意思,和上一個訪問問題中的affect「感動、感染、影響」是不一樣的用法。例:I don’t want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. (我不想影響你,你必須自行決定。) 3. What was the biggest challenge you faced on the movie for which you are nominated? Accepting to do a silent film knowing that there were no lines. Once we were in production, the biggest challenge was the tap dancing. lines就是戲劇、電影中的「台詞」。若拍攝或對戲過程中,演員無法順利背好台詞稿,而必須有人在旁提示對白,英文說法是feed the lines。
我第一部看的電影是"Once upon a Time in the West"。看得當下是既驚嚇又有如被催眠般著迷!我到現在都還記得電影裡一幕:Henry Fonda在那段戲裡把口琴放到那被吊死的男孩嘴裡。
- Mar 14 Wed 2012 10:07
看奧斯卡學英文--大藝術家男主角Jean Dujardin訪問實錄