前幾天剛好在英語新聞裡聽到一個詞Off the cuff,某官員談到社會住宅問題時,說到這不是一個Off-the-cuff idea,而是深思熟慮之後的想法。Off-the-cuff是什麼呢?Cuff就是襯衫的袖口。Off the cuff的意思是:不經心地,臨時想起的,或者是很隨便的。當你回答一個問題,而你對你的答案又不太確定時,你就可以用off the cuff這片語。舉一個例子。
You want to know how many people work for our company? Off the cuff, I'd say about two thousand. But I'll have to look up the exact number and get back to you later.
If you want to borrow 80% of the total amount, with the interest rate at 3.5%, off the cuff, you probably will have to pay a little over fifteen hundred dollars a month. But I've got to do a detailed calculation before I can give you an exact number.