1."What did you do on Saturday?" "I played." (你周六在做什麼?我在玩)
2."How was the speech?" "It was good. I enjoyed." (演講如何?很好,我很喜歡)
3."Do you have a free time this weekend?" (周末有空嗎)
4."He was dead last night." (他昨晚死了)
5."I had a cold last week, so I went to the hospital." (我上周感冒所以去了醫院)
6.He has been working on the project for quite a while, but still hasn't quite finished. (他做這專案已經有一陣子了,但還沒完成。)
7.Can you speak a little bit louder? I can’t listen to your voice.
8.He spoke, "I can't. I have to finish this report today."
9.He said me that he was not feeling well. (他告訴我他不太舒服。)
10.I can’t say English well. (我英文說得不好)
1."What did you do on Saturday?" "I went out and had fun."
小孩才用play;大人通常用have fun, or enjoy. 大人如果用"play",大部份是只遊戲或運動。例如:"I played TV games all day on Saturday." "Please come to my house and play chess this evening."
2."How was the concert?" "It was good. I enjoyed it."
"enjoy"之後一定要加受詞,像"enjoy the concert", "enjoy the party",或"enjoy yourself" (玩得很愉快).
3."Are you free this weekend?"
“Free time”是閒暇時間,並不是有空,例如我們問人閒暇時都做什麼,問法是:"What do you do when you have a free time?" "What do you do in your free time?"
4."He was dead last night"
Die是一個動詞,指生命結束這個動作,更禮貌的說法是"pass away".例如:"His grandfather passed away last year." Dead是形容詞,指一種狀態,例如:"I saw a dead mouse on the street." 我在街上看見一隻死老鼠。
5."I had a cold last week, so I went to see doctor."
6.He has been working on the project for quite a while, but hasn't quite finished yet.
7.Can you speak a little bit louder? I can’t hear you.
8.He said, "I can't. I have to finish this report today."
9.He told me that he was not feeling well.
10.I can’t speak English well.
說一種語言用speak,say English意思是,說出”English”這個字。
2010年,Enjoy你在英文裡犯的錯 |