A. I'm going to pick it up for you.
B. I'll pick it up for you.
C. Pick it up yourself! You, lazy bum!
C是開玩笑的,想被炒魷魚,不妨一試。但A和B到底哪個好?will和be going to 有時也可以替換,也許都沒有錯,但其中有一個,是老外會用的,你猜是哪一個?今天我們就來看看will和be going to有什麼不一樣。
1. Promises – will 是一種承諾。
Johnny: Mom, if I get 100 on my math test, will you take me out for ice cream?
Mom: Yes, I'll take you out for ice cream. I promise.
2. Offers to help – 願意幫忙別人時也用will
Patricia: I lost my ring.
Brian: No problem. I'll help you find it.
3. Request for help – 請人幫忙時用will
Peter: I need to change the oil in my car. Will you help me?
William: Of course, I'll help you.
I need to change the oil in my car. Are you going to help me? 這樣的問法有點粗率,不夠禮貌。
4. Predictions about the future – 預測未來時用will
Heather: Some statisticians predict that there will be10 billion people in the world by 2050.
Melinda: I think they are right. I heard there won't be enough food in the world for everyone.
Will 常用於預測,但也可以用be going to.
5. Refusal of things - 拒絕時也用will
Walter: I can't open this bottle of wine.
Sally: Yeah. The cork won't come out.
Be Going To
1. State a plan or intention -代表一項計畫、意向或行動時,用be going to
Holly: What are you going to do this summer?
Mandy: I am going to travel across Europe. I am going to see everything from the Eiffel Tower to the Coliseum in Rome.
A. I'm going to pick it up for you.
B. I'll pick it up for you.
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