1. 她拍我肩膀。
〔誤〕She patted my shoulder.
〔正〕She patted me on my shoulder.
這個錯誤是中文人口說英文的典型錯誤,在慣用法(idiomatic expression)中,是先以整體為受詞,才 用介詞指出部位。 所以應該用:"He patted me on the shoulder." 類似的例子還有:
(1)她親了他的雙頰。不說:“She kissed both of his cheeks."而要說:“She kissed him on both cheeks."
(2)他拉住她的袖子。不說:“He pulled her sleeves."而要說:“He pulled her by the sleeve,"
(3)他胸膛挨了一槍。不說:“His chest has been shot."而要說:“He has been shot in the chest."
〔誤〕The teacher calls names in every class.
〔正〕The teacher calls the roll in every class.
英語的“點名”是 call the roll,而 call one's name(s)的意思是“謾駡某人”。roll 指“名冊”,又如:remove sb.'s name from the roll(把某人除名)。
〔誤〕To learn English well, a great deal of practice is necessary.
〔正〕To learn English well, one needs/you need to have a great deal of practice.
不定詞 to learn English well 的邏輯主詞應該是“人”,而句子的主詞卻是 practice,兩者不相一致,違背了英語習慣,所以必須將句子的主詞改為 one,並做其它相應的調整。
〔誤〕Don't listen to their babbling. Nothing of the sort.
〔正〕Don't believe their babbling. Nothing of the sort.
“聽”不能用 listen to 來表示,因為 listen to 指“聽”這個動作,像聽音樂、聽英文 “別聽”不是不讓他“聽”,而是勸告他“不要聽信”。
5. 星期五晚上,你願意參加我們的晚會嗎?
〔誤〕Would you like to join/attend our party on Friday night?
〔正〕Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?
Join往往是指參加club或者協會,如:join a health club; join the Labor Party。 Attend則是用在正式場合,會議,不適用在休閒場合。常常與party搭配的動詞是come或者go.如go to a wedding party,或者come to a Halloween Party.