你知道最有力量的英文是什麼嗎?想像一下,你上台簡報,結束後回到座位時,坐在旁邊的老闆小小聲在你耳朵旁說:「Way to go! 」(這樣就對了。)你會不會信心十足?
「讚美」是最powerful的英文,玫琳凱化妝品創辦人玫琳凱.艾許(Mary Kay Ash)的一句名言:「Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.」(每個人都希望被欣賞、感謝,所以如果你欣賞某個人,不要隱藏。)不論你的英文是否流利、發音是否準確,只要你說的是讚美人的英文,肯定會讓人很愛聽!
1. I admire you!(我佩服你!)
2. I’m impressed!(我被打動了!)
3. You’re awesome! (你真了不起!)
4. You're incredible! (真令人難以置信!)
5. You did a great job!(幹得好!)
6. You're looking sharp!(你看起來真棒!)
7. You're really talented!(你真有天份!)
8. You're very professional!(你好專業!)
9. I like the way you handled that! (我喜歡你的做法!)
10. I'm very pleased with your work! (我對你的成果非常滿意!)
Put on a good show表現優異
例:Our players put on a good show in the Olympic Games. 我國選手在奧運會中表現優異。
Make headway大有進步
例:My daughter has made headway in her studies since she got a new teacher. 換新老師後,我女兒的功課大有進步。
Make a splendid showing表現傑出
例:My colleague made a splendid showing at the meeting with clients. 我的同事在與客戶的會議中表現傑出。
Stand in awe of someone很敬佩
例:Helen has a very successful business. I stand in awe of her. 海倫的事業很成功,我很敬佩她。