"Treat everyone you meet as though they are the most important person you'll meet that day." -- Roger Dawson
羅傑道森(Roger Dawson),有全美首席談判家之稱(America's Premier Business Negotiator)。他最富傳奇色彩的談判是讓伊拉克總統海珊釋放人質。1991年的一個夜晚,道森接到一通電話,打電話的人說兄弟被海珊扣為人質:「不管花多少錢都可以,只要贖回兄弟」。道森說:「一分贖金都不必」。
1992年,道森獲選進入美國演說家協會名人堂(United States Association Hall of Fame speech),這個協會進入門檻高,連柯林頓曾經兩度申請失敗。道森的演講以分鐘計價,每一場價碼約80萬美金。儘管擁有諸多頭銜,道森說自己人生最得意的時刻不是身處「能左右世界政治格局」的總統團隊,也不是坐享企業家的名利雙收;而是幫助美國上萬家企業培養了銷售主管和商務談判高手。
也許有人會對追求「雙贏」的想法嗤之以鼻:Let’s face it. We live in a dog-eat-dog world. When you’re sitting down in a negotiation, if the other side is buying, they want the lowest price and you want the highest price; if they’re selling, they want the highest price and you want the lowest. They want to take money out of your pocket and put it right into theirs. How on earth can we both win?
Winning is a perception, and by constantly servicing the perception that the other person is winning, you can convince him that he has won without having to make any concessions.
People are not out for the same thing! 我們經常假設別人和我們要的是同一樣東西,直覺認為對我們很重要的東西,對方一定也會認為重要,其實則不然。
Basic Principles Make You a Smarter Negotiator
- Get the Other Side to Commit First (讓對手先出招)
Power Negotiators know that you're usually better off if you can get the other side to commit to a position first…. The less you know about the other side or the proposition that you're negotiating, the more important the principle of not going first becomes. - Act Dumb, Not Smart (裝笨,不要裝聰明)
To Power Negotiators, smart is dumb and dumb is smart. When you are negotiating, you're better off acting as if you know less than everybody else does, not more. - Think in Real Money Terms but Talk Funny Money(心裡想真錢,嘴上繞著彎說)
There are all kinds of ways of describing the price of something. If you went to the Boeing Aircraft Company and asked them what it costs to fly a 747 coast to coast, they wouldn't tell you "Fifty-two thousand dollars." They would tell you eleven cents per passenger mile. - Concentrate on the Issues (絕對專注)
Power Negotiators know that they should always concentrate on the issues and not be distracted by the actions of the other negotiators. Have you ever watched tennis on television and seen a highly emotional star like John McEnroe jumping up and down at the other end of the court. You wonder to yourself, "How on Earth can anybody play tennis against somebody like that? It's such a game of concentration, it doesn't seem fair." - Always Congratulate The Other Side (永遠讓對方覺得他贏了)
When you're through negotiating, you should always congratulate the other side. However poorly you think the other person may have done in the negotiations, congratulate them. Say, "Wow! You did a fantastic job negotiating that. I realize that I didn't get as good a deal as I could have done, but frankly, it was worth it because I learned so much about negotiating. You were brilliant." You want the other person to feel that he or she won in the negotiations.
If you let these five principles guide your conduct when you're negotiating, they will serve you well and help you become a Power Negotiator.
- I know I can count on you. 我知道我可以相信你。(拉近距離)
- We'll come out from this meeting as winners. 這次會談的結果將是一個雙贏。
- Not in the long run. 從長遠來說並不是這樣。(這句話很實用,沒有否決,但其實在找一個更好的solution。)
- Let me explain to you why. 讓我給你解釋一下原因。(很好的轉折,掙取一點空間。)
- Let's compromise. 讓我們還是各退一步吧。(接下來講的話不一定是退一步,而是先讓對方鬆一口氣。)
- It depends on what you want. 那要視您的需要而定。(不一定現在就給答案。)
- That will eat up a lot of time. 那會耗費很多時間。
- The longer we wait, the less likely we will come up with anything. 時間拖得越久,機會就越少。(勸對方縮短時間)
- Are you negotiable? 你還有商量的餘地嗎?(直接切重點)
- We can work out the details next time. 我們可以下次再來解決細節問題。(談定就談定,不要膠著在細節)