假如你真的太忙,又覺得英文真的很重要,就從每天給自己一分鐘開始。 一分鐘有多長?請你唸出底下這個句子,唸出聲音:"I speak fluent English, though it's not my first language."你只用了3秒鐘。也就是說,一分鐘可以讓你把一個句子讀20遍。一分鐘可以重複唸一個單字唸200遍。接下來你要想的問題是: (1)一個句子要讀幾遍,它才能真正「變成你的」? 第一個問題因人而異,只有你自己最清楚;用綜合類比的方式想一想,一首歌你聽幾次後開始會哼?一個客戶的名字你聽過幾次會記得?.....無論如何,最多就是二十次吧!換句話說,每天的一分鐘唸20遍,你一定可以讓自己「擁有」你唸的那個句子。 第二個問題:每天的一分鐘唸perfect written而且「用得著」的句子,也就是和你的工作相關、文法沒有錯誤的句子。記住:一分鐘也可以創造奇蹟。永遠都不要說你沒時間學英語! 以下這10句,每天一句,唸20或更多遍,直到你覺得「擁有它」。 1. Michelle pinned her hopes for a better life on finding a new job. (寄予厚望)
(2) 每天這寶貴的一分鐘,要唸什麼?
2. The tax office wants us to turn over all our records from last year. (繳交)
3. Competing on price alone is a no-win situation. (雙輸)
4. According to the statistics, economic recovery is on the way. (復甦中)
5. Leave it to me. I'll fix your laptop and bring it to you later. (留給...)
6. The project is on track and should be completed by next month. (上軌道)
7. It's a tough call. I don't know how on line product will do on the market.(很難下決定)
8. Building and running your own business involves a lot of hard work and commitment.(投入心力)
9. If I find myself to be worth more, I'll take steps to get it. (採取行動)
10. I had been meaning to call you about my expired membership, but I've been extremely busy recently. (一直想)
- May 02 Wed 2012 13:32