□ 6. 覺得英文文法很難!
英文的文法沒有你想像的那麼難,因為它的規則和邏輯都很清楚。掌握規則和邏輯,就對了八成,另外兩成例外,你得花一點時間,外加一點舉一反三的思維模式。怎麼舉一反三呢?舉例來說,當你知道It is me是錯的,正確講法是It is I;想當然爾,”It is he”、 ”It is she …”。每一個錯誤的背後都是一大片的錯誤,學英文是這樣見樹也要見林。
1. We are not easy to find a good school in a small town.
2. Neither they nor I are to blame for this mistake.
3. It is me who won the first prize last year.
4. My job is soft engineer.
5. Our clients are almost from Europe.
6. How many days left for you to quit your position?
1. It is not easy to find a good school in Singapore.
2. Neither they nor I am to blame for this mistake.
3. It is I who won the first prize last year.
4. I am a soft engineer.
5. Our clients are mostly from Europe.
6. How many days are left before (until) you quit your job?
□ 7. 試著用英文講出「他們一樣重」。講對了就算過關。
文法好像沒錯,說起來就是怪怪的!「他們一樣重」,最常見的答案就是” they are the same heavy ”。「我聽不懂」,直接譯成” I cannot listen ”。說英文要減少中文母語干擾最直接的方法就是,把你所有接觸到的中文,通通都轉化成英文,讀的是中文報紙,想辦法說成英文,看中文新聞,想辦法同步說成英文。
1. They are the same heavy.
2. I will do anything I can do for you.
3. I am a public servant for 10 years.
4. I cannot listen to CNN.
5. Would you please don’t keep asking me the same question?
6. Almost every people here I never met before.
7. I forgot my proposal at home.
1. They are equal in weight.
2. I will do anything I can for you.
3. I have worked for the government for 10 years.
4. I find it hard to listen to CNN.
5. Would you please not keep asking me the same question?
6. Almost every people here are strangers to me.
7. I left my proposal at home.
□ 8. 講英文自動去尾音,複數也不加 S 。
中文裡沒有可數不可數,所以我們經常不自覺地把很多複數名詞的「 s 」、「 es 」都自動去掉了。有時候「 a 」和「 the 」也莫名其妙就不見了。英文要好,細節的修飾還是很重要的,單複數不複雜,想辦法一次搞定它。
1. Ten thousand dollars are a large sum of money.
2. Five years are much too long for me. I cannot wait.
3. I am afraid that this is the dirty mean to gain success.
4. I want to know the detail of the plan
1. The thousand dollars is a large sum of money.
2. Five years is much too long for me. I cannot wait.
3. I am afraid that this is the dirty means to gain success.
4. I want to know the details of the plan.
□ 9. 常常有些句子說不出來。
「你有哪些工作經驗?」「哪一所大學畢業的?」這類經常用的問句,最容易錯。要修正這類錯誤有兩個步驟。 (1) 一旦發現老外的句子結構和你不一樣時,馬上抄下來! (2) 閱讀中文對照文章,眼睛讀中文,嘴巴試著說出英文,遇到你說不出來的,對一對英文原文,牢牢記住這些原本不存的英文思考模式。
1. What working experience did you have before?
2. Which university did you attend? ( 你哪一所大學畢業的? )
3. Mary owns the personality to be a leader.
4. I’m sorry for yesterday, but my manager returned and I must leave the MSN suddenly.
5. Why do you come here?
6. You’re not so easy to get a high score on the TOEIC.
1. What prior work experience have you had?
2. What school did you go to? ( 你哪一所大學畢業的? )
3. Mary has what it takes to be a leader.
4. I’m sorry for my abrupt exit yesterday because my boss suddenly turned up.
5. What brought you here?
6. It is no walk in the park to get a high score on the TOEIC.
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