

Gordon Gekko, the archetypal villain of iconic 1980s movie “Wall Street” has a new mantra: greed is not just good, it's legal and it's everywhere.

Wall Street》是奧利佛史東1987年導的電影,經典台詞是"Greed is Good"(貪婪真好),這句話定義了80年代金融的黃金年代。《華爾街:金錢萬歲》捲土重來,二〸三年後,從"Greed is Good"變成"Greed is Legal"(貪婪是合法的)。

Oliver Stone’s 1987 film Wall Street helped define the go-go ‘80s; a time when corporate raiders made money hand over fist and the financial boys club members pushed hard to beat each other to make the biggest deals.

In Stone’s newest film, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, the director returns to the realm of high finance. In the past 13 years the world has changed. Gordon Gekko, who famously said “greed is good,” is just getting out of jail with a gigantic cell phone and no one to meet him. Shia LaBeouf plays Jake, an idealistic banker who plans to marry Gekko’s daughter and falls under the spell of the former financier.

奧利佛史東1987年的電影《華爾街》呈現當時野心企業家賺錢又快又多;爾虞我詐總想做最大的。最近上映的《華爾街:金錢萬歲》史東重返金融界。〸三年來世界已經變了。上一集《華爾街》裡大喊貪婪是美德greed is good)這句名言的戈登蓋柯出獄了,他手上拿著笨重手機,沒人理會。年輕的理想主義銀行家傑克想與蓋柯的女兒結婚,不小心落入蓋柯陷阱。

Forbes talked to Stone about how the first Wall Street movie changed the way people think about finance, understanding the recent meltdown and how Gekko still fits in.


l   Forbes: How do you think the first Wall Street movie influenced the way people think about Wall Street? 你覺得《華爾街》電影如何改變了人們對於華爾街金融市場的認識?

Stone: I don’t think Wall Street was on people’s radar screens as much as it is now. In 1987 there wasn’t much business coverage. It was the last thing people paid attention to. The movie gave birth to a culture where millionaires are celebrated on magazine covers and the 24-hour news cycle includes CNBC.


l   Do the changes in Gordon Gekko reflect the changes that have taken place on Wall Street? 在戈登蓋柯身上發生的變化,是否反映了華爾街的變化?

I don’t think so. He was an inside trader in 1987 and he violated the law. Most people on Wall Street don’t break the law. He was a raider, he was willing to invest huge amounts of money and take risks. Now he’s on the other side of the tracks which is more interesting. He’s on the outside looking in.

The banks are now what Gekko was in the first movie. He was playing a bold game with a lot of leverage. That went out of style and was replaced by hedge funds taking big risks. But in 2000 the banks became like the hedge funds and started taking far bigger risks and using far more leverage.

Gekko was running a small-time scam. Now in 2008 the Gekko world is central to the economy because the bank gangsters took over. The most descriptive line Gekko says is that now, ‘greed is legal.’


蓋柯以前搞的是小打小鬧的騙局。而到了2008年,蓋柯的華爾街變成經濟市場主角,因為銀行黑幫接管了這一切。現在蓋柯最貼切的台詞是,貪婪是合法的greed is legal)。

關鍵1: the go go 80s:
Go-go Years
的釋義在很多字典上都有,牛津字典上的解釋是——(AmE, informal) of a period of time when businesses are growing and people are making money fast: the go-go years of the 1980s。意思是企業成長快、人們賺錢多,經濟繁榮的時代。

關鍵2: Hand over fist
非常快速地。Fist是握緊的拳頭。Hand over fist來自帆船航運的年代。當年水手得學會攀援繩索去擺弄高高掛在桅杆上的船帆。他們兩手交替,一手放在另一隻緊抓繩索的拳頭上方一把一把往上攀援,像猿猴一般迅速俐落。The corner shop is open fifteen hours a day. The owner must be making money hand over fist. 轉角那家店一天營業〸五小時,業主賺錢一定賺很多錢。

關鍵3: Financial meltdown
金融風暴。這個詞是2009年最流行的詞彙,它是2009年美國新聞10大熱詞中的第二名,僅次於"ObamaVision"(歐巴馬遠見)。當然了,用financial crisis也可以,但如果提08年全球性金融風暴時用financial meltdown更有感受到一種時代感。

關鍵 4:The last thing
例句:A strong dollar is the last thing the US economy needs right now.眼下美國經濟最不需要的就是強勢美元。 It's the last thing I would do in the world! 我絕對不會這樣做。


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