Find和find out, discover和invent都很接近「找到、發現」的意思,今天我們來看看它們究竟有什麼分別?怎麼使用?
Find強調在經過「尋找」(look for)後“找的結果”(找到或找不到)。如:I can't find my key.(我找不到我的鑰匙)。He found a business card in the drawer(他在抽屜找到一張名片)。
(1)I found a watch on the road.(我在路上發現一只手錶)
(2)He found the exercise simple.(他認為那練習很簡單)
指「發現」或「查明」,find和find out可以通用,但find out帶有「花了很大力氣才發現」,搞清楚、弄明白的意思,後面如果接what/where/why/how等句子,多半用find out 帶出。還有,find一定要加受詞,find out則不必,例如:
(1)Scientists are trying to find out / find the cause of the disease.(科學家正設法找出病因)
(2)Can you find out / find what he is going to do?(你可以看看他要怎麼做嗎)
(3)If he finds out, he will be mad with me.(要是他發現,一定會對我發脾氣)
(4)Please find out what time the delegation will come.(請查一查代表團什麼時候來)
(1)Columbus discovered America in1492.(哥倫布1492年發現了美洲)
(2)We finally discovered the truth.(我們總算弄清了真相)
(1)Who invented the telephone?(是誰發明電話的)
(2)He invented a new teaching method.(他發明了一種新的教學方法)
[小試身手] 先不要看答案喔!
1.Edison ____ the electric lamp.
2.I lost my necklace last night.I haven’t ____ it.
3.Who ____ America first?
4.Can you ____ what time the train leaves?
1.invented 2.found 3.discovered 4.find out
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