

Most European countries are experiencing one of the hottest summers for years. When we asked News Online readers to describe the heat in their own language, the replies flooded in from all over the world.

Here are some of the best of them - in alphabetical order.

1. It's so warm that the dog is chasing the cat, but both are walking!
熱到狗都追不動貓了!-----South Africa 南非

2. Flies are falling down tired.!
熱到蒼蠅都跌下來!-----Czech republic 捷克

3. I'm sweating fat!
我在出脂肪!-----Denmark 丹麥

4. It's stifling!
讓人窒息啊!-----Belgium 比利時

5. I am leaking!
我的身體在滴水啊!-----Germany 德國

6. It's raining fire!
不是下雨,是在下火啊!-----Iran 伊朗

7. It's so hot my tongue is hanging out.
熱得我把舌頭都伸出來了!-----Romania 羅馬尼亞

8. I am sweating like a chicken!
汗出得像隻雞!-----England 英格蘭  

9. It is like a Turkish bath.
像土耳其浴。-----Turkey 土耳其

10. Warm today, isn't it?
天真暖和,不是嗎?-----Arab 阿拉伯 

11. It's as hot as in a sauna!

12. You could boil a kettle on your head.
頭頂可以燒開水了。-----Ireland 愛爾蘭

13. This is dog-heat!

14. Earthquake weather!
地震天!-----Los Angeles 美國洛杉磯

15. It's so dry the trees are following the dogs around.
太乾了, 樹下都圍著一圈狗。-----Texas 美國德州

16. Sticky as a box of frogs.
像一盒子青蛙一樣黏。-----Australia 澳大利亞

17. You could fry eggs on the sidewalk
人行道上可以煎蛋了。-----Canada 加拿大

18. Even the grasshopper is boiling
連蚱蜢都沸了。----- UK 英國



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