有一句好的英文口頭禪(pet phrase),對你的溝通幫助,可能會超乎你的想像。“口頭禪”原本禪宗用語,指未經心靈證悟就把一些現成的經言和公案掛在嘴邊,裝得一付得道的樣子。演變到現在,口頭禪成了個人習慣用語的代名詞,無意識脫口而出。因為無意識,才真正看到後面深藏的潛意識。
“你知道吧”是北京人的口頭禪。廣東人是“有沒有搞錯”。臺灣人是“不好意思”、“拜託”則折射出內在的某種“不安”與“優雅”交錯的矛盾心境……美國總統歐巴馬最常用的一句話是”let me be clear ”。他每一次演講內容,一定有這句話,有時甚至不只用一次。於是,大家開始解析,這個口頭禪究竟有什麼特殊意思?我們來看看口頭禪背後有哪些可能的隱涵的意義:
1. To be honest, to tell you the truth, certainly, definitely etc.
People who speak these phrases very often usually worry that others might misunderstand what they say. They are impetuous.
2. Be supposed to, should, must, ought to etc.
These people are very confident about themselves, reasonable and sober. They believe that they can persuade others. BTW, those leaders prefer to say these words.
3. It is said that, people say that, they say that, be told that etc.
These guys are well informed but hesitant. Also, these sophisticated people usually say these words.
4. Perhaps, Maybe, Probably etc.
These guys are very defensive. They seldom tell others what they are thinking. They are calm. The politicians say these words frequently.
5. But, However, Nevertheless etc.
They use "However" to protect themselves. To some extent, it reflects that these guys are mild.
6. Uh, Ah…..
These guys are usually lack of words when talking with others. They are dull too.
熟到老外都覺得你英文好,現在就加入量身訂做的1on1 program。