

The one simple rule you need to know to have perfect texting etiquette.

在社交場合,你要去廁所多半會與身旁人打聲招呼說「Excuse me」,接手機呢?要不要也打招呼?有人發想一個新規矩,叫做”The Bathroom Rule”──手機的

“If you're in a situation where you'd excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, you should also excuse yourself before reaching for your phone. Otherwise, go ahead without asking. Either way, don't play with your phone longer than you'd stay in the bathroom.”


“Most of us now carry cell phones that can do a lot more than make phone calls—we can send text messages, check our e-mail, surf the Web, and generally lose ourselves in the depths of a 3.5-inch screen. But look around you. Many people are pulling out their phones at inappropriate times. Spouses are texting during dinner, students are texting during class, and a lot of idiots are texting at the movies.” says 

手機功能五花八門,打電話、發簡訊、收email、上網,它太方便了,方便到我們不知不覺中就迷失在3.5吋方寸螢幕之間。人們總在不該用它的時候用它:明明是夫妻共享晚餐時刻也發簡訊,學生上課也發簡訊,還有一堆白癡在看電影時也發簡訊。Slate編輯Farhad Manjoo說。

So what made The Bathroom Rule so much more universal than the rest? According to Slate's Farhad Manjoo, "The beauty of this rule is its flexibility." If you're at dinner with the in-laws, for example, it makes you think twice before pulling out your phone. If you're in a decidedly less formal situation, though, the rule provides a convenient barometer against which you can measure the rudeness of texting in front of others. Really, it's a remarkably simple rule that can be applied universally.

儘管不少人提出手機禮儀,但能像”The Bathroom Rule”這麼放諸四海皆準的規則不多。Farhad Manjoo說這規則的美感在於它太有彈性了。上廁所時間要多久,你可以自行判斷吧!打手機也是:和岳父大人共進晚餐,要不要掏出手機,請三思;輕鬆的場合,在別人面前發簡訊會不會干擾,”The Bathroom Rule”提供你一個方便的準則,自己可以判斷會不會失禮。

But not everyone agrees with this view. A counterargument to this is, what if everyone in the group thinks it’s ok? If two people ... think it's perfectly acceptable to pull out our phones in front of each other, who has a right to deny that?"


Key points


*Reach for your phone (伸手去拿手機,可能是接或打)

*Play with your phone (玩手機,雖然是打電話,但多半不是公事,play成份居多)
*Make phone calls (打電話,這個很正常,我們常用的)
*Pull out their phones (拔出手機,出現三次,可見很常用,把它也納入的口語字庫中吧)


原型為 text,意思為「傳簡訊」。以往傳訊英文多半用send a message:傳一個訊息,但現在流行講text。text既可當名詞(簡訊),也可當動詞(傳簡訊)。「現在傳簡訊給我」的英語是Text me now簡單俐落。例:
John: Hi Mary, do you want to come to my birthday party?
Mary: Sure, but I don’t know your address. Can you
text me the address?

I suggest banning texting during meetings. 主席:我建議開會中禁用簡訊。

:「簡訊」的英文是text message,語音留言是voice message。例:
John: I called you yesterday, but you didn’t answer, so I gave you a message. Did you receive it?
Mary: What kind of message? A
text message, or a voice message?

Etiquette- (n)
禮儀vs. Manners-(n) 禮貌、修養

注意1Manners Etiquette都和禮儀有關,但差別在於manners大部分用來形容人的基本禮貌或素養,是主觀的;而etiquette只形容某件事該怎麼做,是客觀的。Manners可以用good/bad或其他合適的形容詞來描述,或用have/don’t have說明有或沒有禮貌。Etiquette則用來表達某個狀況的禮儀,所以不用have /don’t have.

What is the proper etiquette for weddings? John showed bad manners during the wedding.婚禮的基本禮儀為何?John在婚禮上舉止失態。

例:He spilled coffee on me, but didn’t even say sorry. He has no manners.他把咖啡灑在我身上,但連個道歉都沒有,真沒禮貌。(在這裡描述的是人,所以禮貌、修養意思都有。)

注意3“Good manners” 意思為有修養、有禮貌,“Bad manners”意思相反。不過別把這裡的禮貌跟”polite”當成一樣的意思,因為polite是「客氣」的禮貌,指言語或一些動作上的狀態,而不是整體描述一個人該有的修養。

例:He is very polite 他很有禮貌。(客氣方面的禮貌,會說謝謝、對不起,看到人打招呼之類。)
例:He has good manners 他很有禮貌。(修養方面的禮貌)



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