講英文最怕直接翻譯,生生澀澀的,像菜沒煮熟;要「煮熟」你的英文,最好的方法就是:找出那些依賴翻譯就講不出的句型、字或詞,這類的句子,大部份都不難,差在「沒想到」,沒想到的這些死角,我們稱之為"Blind Corner"。今天來看第41~50個例句:
41. 系統就是這樣運作的。你懂我的意思嗎?
So that’s how the system works. Are you with me?
42. 工作滿一年,可享有特休七天。
You are eligible for 7 vacation days after working for a full year.
43. 她對受邀在會議中演說感到受寵若驚。
She felt privileged to be invited to speak at the conference.
44. 他一天平均工作九小時。
He averaged nine hours’ with work a day.
45. 你要加班幾個小時?
How much overtime are you going to work?
46. 你的進度落後,害得我們無法如期交貨。
You’re behind schedule and are holding up our shipments.
47. 結果出席會議的人數不足。
Not enough people turned out to show up in the meeting. (結果)
48. 你連續三次都遲交月報告。
This is the third time in a row that you have been late with the monthly report.
49. Mary很有生產力。她在兩週內快速做出了八份商業報告!
Mary is a productive worker. She has cranked out eight business reports in two weeks! (快速做出、快速達成)
50. 我們會在產品推出之前先播放這支電視廣告。
We’ll broadcast the TV commercial before the product comes out.
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