講英文最怕直接翻譯,生生澀澀的,像菜沒煮熟;要「煮熟」你的英文,最好的方法就是:找出那些依賴翻譯就講不出的句型、字或詞,這類的句子,大部份都不難,差在「沒想到」,沒想到的這些死角,我們稱之為 "Blind Corner" 。以下是第21~30個例句:
21. 你應該減少喝咖啡的量。
You should cut back on the amount of coffee that you drink. (減少)
22. 她從來沒有想過自己有責任。
It never occurred to him that he was under the obligation.
23. 我下禮拜會找時間完成這個計畫。
I will get around to finishing the project next week.
24. 禮拜一開會。你有空嗎 ? 我知道相當晚才通知。
The meeting will be on Monday. Are you available? I know it’s pretty short notice. (很晚才通知)
25. 我們買這台車是決定於它的顏色和價錢。
When we bought the car, our decision came down to color and price. (取決於)
26. 為了協商,我們必須保持在最佳狀態。
We need to be in top shape for the negotiation. (保持在最好狀態)
27. 我們客戶男性和女性的比例是五比二。
There is a ratio of 5 to 2 between the male customers and female customers in our company.
* 最新研究顯示,台灣男性吸菸者和女性吸菸者的比例為六比四。
The latest research shows that the ration of male-smokers to female-smokers in Taiwan is 6 to 4.
28. 你聽說經理要取消咖啡休息時間了嗎 ?
Did you hear that our manager is going to do away with our coffee breaks?
29. 我花了一點時間才打起精神來。
It took a while for me to pull myself together.
30. 代我向你先生問候。
Give my regards to your husband.
未完待續 …