以色列人夏伊阿格西(Shai Agassi)是科技業自蘋果Steve Jobs之後的最佳業務員。就像領袖魅力〸足的Steve Jobs般,阿格西似乎擁有一種現場扭曲力場。《Economist》經濟學人雜誌這麼說。
An Economist article described Mr. Agassi as“the best salesman in the industry after Steve Jobs of Apple.” It continued,“Like the charismatic Mr. Jobs, he seems to possess a‘reality distortion field’”
●Reality-distortion field,現場扭曲力場,意思就是說任何人只要進入到他的魅力磁場影響範圍,就會被扭曲現實。
這個讓世界寄予厚望,四〸一歲的矽谷創業家阿格西,是一個科技神童,七歲開始寫程式,畢業於有「以色列麻省理工」之稱的Technion,32歲他將自創的Top Tier軟體公司賣給德國軟體鉅頭SAP,並擔任SAP技術長。2005年阿格西應邀加入由四〸歲以下的政治及商業才俊組成的環球青年領袖會(Young Global Leaders,YGL),會議聲言要在2020年令人們在「地球住得更好」(make the world a better place),引起了Agassi對能源方面的興趣,於是他抽絲剝繭,蒐羅一切有關碳經濟資料。阿格西在2007年創立了Better Place,這是提供電動車(electric vehicle,簡稱EV)、電池、充電站、電力公司與收費等系統整合方案。
他從未接觸過汽車產業,也從未接觸過能源產業,卻以驚人的創意,一舉結合、顛覆兩大工業。 阿格西說,Better Place的使命是為石油畫上句點,不是開一家汽車公司。
“Our goal is not to build a car company.” “Our goal is to end oil.”
Better Place不做車,那它做什麼? 阿格西說:We're an energy network for electric cars. We don't make the cars-we're working with Renault to do that-but we'll build a network of stations and charging spots so that people can use them. Think of us as the equivalent of AT&T for electric cars.
20世紀汽車產業的主要商業模式是產品銷售。Better Place不這麼想,它把電信營運模式,套用到汽車上。電信賺的是通訊費、不是手機費。汽車要不斷地加油,但你從來沒看見車廠和石油業聯手促銷,像是「加油五年、汽車半買半送」。地球暖化危機日增,這一串Value Chain起了關鍵性轉變。借電信產業的機制,不按分鐘收費而是按里程收費,用軟體業的術語,就是「雲端計算」(cloud computing),用戶購買的不是汽車,而是使用一次付費一次。
A hybrid is like a mermaid: if you want a fish, you get a woman; if you want a woman, you get a fish.
電動車營運成功最關鍵的是要佈建一個輕鬆、簡易、隨處可用的電動車充電網。阿格西說服以色列政府,三年內在以色列全國各地裝上 15 萬個充電座。造型新穎的充電座可以出現在城市任何地方:停車場、街上、辦公室樓下、甚至還可以安裝在家中。
什麼樣的設計可以改變人類工業革命的歷史?德意志銀行一份投資報告指出,Better Place 有可能在未來一舉更易百年汽車工業的基本模式與教條,以充電站取代加油站,人類從根本擺脫對汽油的依賴 。
Deutsche Bank analysts issued a glowing report stating that the company's approach could be a“paradigm shift”that causes“massive disruption”to the auto industry, and which has“the potential to eliminate the gasoline engine altogether.”
●Paradigm Shift譯法很多,有譯為「典範轉移」、「境相轉移」、「思想範疇轉變」;也有「概念轉移」、「範例轉換」、「範式轉換」、「思維變遷」、「思維轉換」等。真正涵意是指習慣的改變、觀念的突破、價值觀的移轉;乃長期形成的思維軌跡及思考模式。
Shai Agassi: China is the EV Tipping Point
Shai Agassi has come up with the 21st-century adaptation of that oh-so-20th-century line about GM: What's good for China is good for the rest of the world.
Agassi, CEO of Better Place, told Wired's first ever business conference Disruptive by Design Monday that China is on the verge of green-lighting electric cars in a big way. And when that happens it will have more influence over global automobile production than California's school board has over textbooks.
“Once China does it, you don't have a choice,”Agassi told the conference in a discussion with Wired senior writer Daniel Roth.
●Tipping Point指劃火柴的時候,火柴頭一直在升溫,升溫,直到有一個點,忽然就燃燒起來,生成很大的火焰。這個點就是tipping point,也就是我們說的由量變到質變的過程。
●In a big way是指大規模地、徹底的。
假如凡事都那麼有把握了(in the bag),什麼讓阿格西夜裡睡不著?「怕就怕在沒在對的時間解決對的問題。」他擔心自己動作不夠快。至於Better Place能提供的服務,人們都已經引頸期盼了。
So if it's in the bag, what's keeping Agassi up at night? Solving the right problem in the wrong time frame. He says that he is anxious (but not fearful) that he didn't get the ball rolling fast enough. But as for the framework that Better Place can provide,“people are so ready for it.”
In the bag 就是說某樣東西已經是你的囊中物了,也就是你非常有把握到手的事情。例如你很有信心可以得到一份工作,你就可以說, I got a job in the bag.
Shai Agassi, CEO, Better Place
A former software entrepreneur, Agassi is leading the pack on electric vehicle charging stations. His vision: battery-powered vehicles made by Renault-Nissan, a vast network of charging stations, and a cell phone-like pricing scheme. The project has potential, at the very least--a recent analysis from Deutsche Bank concluded that Better Place has the potential to create a paradigm shift in the auto industry.
(Shai Agassi是Fast company雜誌選出2009最有創意的事業之一)
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