有一種創業家,叫做Street smart Entrepreneur。有一本暢銷書,叫做The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up,台灣譯作<師父:那些我在課堂外學會的本事>(早安財經出版)。
Street smart,是課堂外學不到的事,街頭的智慧是什麼樣的智慧?我們一起看看。
有一種創業家,叫做Street smart Entrepreneur。有一本暢銷書,叫做The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up,台灣譯作<師父:那些我在課堂外學會的本事>(早安財經出版)。
Street smart,是課堂外學不到的事,街頭的智慧是什麼樣的智慧?我們一起看看。
The US clothing retailer revealed a new logo across its website in the US in October but it was immediately derided as “unsophisticated,” “uncreative” and “devaluing the brand”.
近來校園頻傳霸凌事件,「霸凌」這個字一下竄紅起來,原來「霸凌」取英文字bully 譯音,bully一詞是指「逞威風、欺凌的人」,音與義都說得過去。今天世界公民周報我們就來談談這個有意思的字bully。
Bully最直接的聯想就是bull(公牛),我們說上漲的市場叫bull market,牛頭犬也就叫做bull dog。Bully一定就是負面意思嗎?
(名) 恃強欺弱者; 惡霸、皮條客
The front-page news across much of the world today is the latest "documents dump" from WikiLeaks.org. The huge cache of confidential American diplomatic cables pulls back the curtain on the sometimes messy business of diplomacy. White House has tried to downplay the cables' value, calling them "field reports". News media reports about the cables and e-mails tell a much different story, though.
"Spillcam" and "vuvuzela" were the top words of 2010, reflecting the global impact of the months-long oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the noisy South African horns at the World Cup soccer tournament, according to a survey released on Sunday.
"Refudiate -- a word coined by politician Sarah Palin in a cross between refute and repudiate -- also made the top 10, according to the annual Global Language Monitor survey.
The Texas-based survey uses a math formula to track the frequency of words and phrases in the English-speaking world of more than 1.58 billion people.
Job hunting? How to build motivation
找工作嗎? 如何激發你的動力
文/ Chris G
Pity the Irish. In the past 18 months, Dublin has repeatedly unveiled commendably bold measures to fight financial crisis. First, it offered to guarantee the banks. Then it replaced its top regulator and central bank governor, and embarked on an unusually forceful effort to inject transparency into its troubled banks.
More remarkable still, it has also imposed a painful austerity plan, in a bid to reduce debt. This has hitherto been largely accepted by long-suffering voters; social cohesion still appears surprisingly high.
台灣時尚人物侯佩岑因應《美麗佳人》拍攝封面之邀前往巴黎,出席2011年CHANEL春夏巴黎時裝秀…..這款可以像報紙一樣捲起來,創意的設計讓侯佩岑忍不住也想敗一個,但令人好奇的是,在空檔與Karl Lagerfeld的男模男友Shaves His Armpits合照的侯佩岑,在秀場上卻不見與未婚夫互動的身影….
哇,居然有人的叫做Shaves His Armpits,「刮腋毛」? 原來是你輸入Karl Lagerfeld’s boyfriend,可以看到這樣一則新聞:
Flight attendant a Hero
文/Chris G
Slater, a flight attendant on JetBlue, instantly became a folk hero in many people’s eyes Monday after he grabbed a microphone and ranted at a passenger who had refused to apologize for hitting Slater with some luggage. Slater then grabbed a beer from the galley and fled the plane via the emergency exit.
文/Chris G
BP oil spill worse than thought
BP has conceded that the extent of an oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico may be much worse than originally thought.
French tourists seen as world's worst
Among the markets that Apple hasn't quite been able to crack with their iPhone, China has to be the most frustrating. It's a huge opportunity that's being missed. And now we finally know exactly why.
你也可以從網頁裡點選”Listen to the story”聽取聲音檔。
“More than two weeks have passed since an oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and touching off a major environmental disaster. The story, which began far from land, now stretches along the Gulf Coast and all the way to Washington. Here, a detailed look at the crisis as it unfolded …”
世界公民Weekly每周都有「糾錯-debug」的單元,讀者覺得很實用。聞過則喜當然是學習最好的態度,今天我們來看看,就算是一個native English speaker,當到了美國總統,口才風靡全世界的人,還是會犯文法錯。美國總統說錯都無所謂,我們這些老外說錯幾個字有什麼了不起?
小布希當總統的時候,在總統任上講話屢屢出錯,各式樣的錯,成為全民茶餘飯後笑點。例如他談教育改革時這樣說:You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test (你教一個孩子讀書,他或者她將會通過語文的測驗)。he or she(他或她),本是美國人常用的顯示那女平等“政治正確”的常用片語,布希居然把主格的she錯說成了受格的her,如果參加語文測驗的話肯定通不過。She與her都是“她”,但用途有別。
歐巴馬總統演講很有煽動力,幾次在國會激情演講,全場〸幾次起立鼓掌。但是歐巴馬有時會犯與布希一樣的文法錯誤,主格、受格不分。美國International Herald Tribune(《國際先鋒報》)有一篇文章篇,題為Grammarians are different from you and I(“文法專家與你我不同”,注意,其中的I故意用錯了,應該是me才對),特意挑歐巴馬的錯。歐巴馬總統在講話中動不動就說“蜜雪兒和我”,比如This is a very personal decision for Michelle and I(“這是蜜雪兒和我的一個重要的私人決定”)。按照英語的文法規範,這個for Michelle and I的說法是錯誤的,因為I(我)是受格,應該是用me,而不是I。這與布希的he or her的錯誤類似,只不過布希把該用主格的位置用了受格,而歐巴馬則是把該用受格的位置用了主格。
The one simple rule you need to know to have perfect texting etiquette.
在社交場合,你要去廁所多半會與身旁人打聲招呼說「Excuse me」,接手機呢?要不要也打招呼?有人發想一個新規矩,叫做”The Bathroom Rule”──手機的廁所規矩,不要弄錯了,不是在廁所講手機的規矩,而是指,講手機的時間不要超過上廁所時間!
英文裡有很多看起來像「似是而非」或「似非而是」的表達,字面看來是一回事,真正涵意又是另外一回事。最常見的是You can’t be too careful. (再小心也不為過;越小心越好)。不只是英文,中文也一樣,像「要你好看」,真正意思是「讓你很難看」!
上週自由時報引述里昂證券的外資分析報告,說馬英九會輸掉2012大選。里昂證券的原文:「We maintain the view we proposed last June, that the 2012 Presidential election is the KMT's to lose.」 這究竟是馬英九會要保住還是失去總統寶座?我們趁機談一談"someone's to lose"? 的用法。
文/ Chris G
From CNN Headline:Seduced into spending thousands on lottery tickets
世界球王老虎伍茲(Tiger Woods)為自己出軌道歉,結果讓一個字一夕爆紅。他說,我為自己的過失後悔。過失,你猜他用英文的哪個字?Transgression。
I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. …(我讓家人失望了,我為自己的過錯感到後悔。我未能忠於我的價值觀和行為準則,對不起我的家人。我並非無過,遠非完美。)
今年《韋氏大詞典》 Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 選出 100 個新字,納入第 11 版字典,《韋氏大詞典》是美國最暢銷的字典,看它每年新收錄的字,就知道英語文化圈裡又出現了那些新鮮事。《韋氏大詞典》每年公佈新添熱門 buzzwords 時,都會掀起一股討論的熱潮。我們一起看看幾個 2009 年度新添加的代表詞彙:
1. staycation / 宅度假
假期不外出,不要說 stay at home ,最新說法 take a staycation 。 Staycation 指在家裡度過假期。這種度假方式隨著經濟不景氣而開始流行,《韋氏大詞典》形容這個字已經 “ 流行到讓詞典無法忽視 ” 。